I have just had a telephone call from a mother of a 3 year
old that is doing some form of Martial Art, which involves kicking and
punching. She has complained that the instructor expects to much of the kids
and she feels it is unsafe. She asked if her son could come to the Swale
Martial Arts Club, I told her that we would not take children until they are 5
years of age and would encourage them to do Judo first.
She asked why 5 as this other clubs takes them at 2 years of
age. Yet again I had to explain that children under 5 to not have the mental or
emotional facilities’ to perform any Martial Art, never mind what the
Instructors says. The idea that anyone should teach kids under 5 to punch and
kick another human being is morally wrong and can endanger the physical and
mental growth of a child.
A lot of people will say teaching child this young will
instil discipline, control their aggression and can be used a self defence? Who
are they defending themselves against other 2 year old and is the answer to
that to teach them to kick them NO will they be able to defend against an adult
NO as for discipline there are many other ways of instilling that in a child
and most of that should come from the parent but if you want some form of
physical activity for your child why not Street Dance, Gymnastics, Tumble tots
these are far better for under 5’s then a violent Martial Art which involves
Kicking and Punching either another person or equipment.
In later life Martial Arts can be of great benefit it will
teach self-discipline and group discipline but first you will need to
understand what discipline is, it will also be way of forging friendships and
bonding with same thinking people. It will help you how to eat properly, keep
your body in good condition and most importantly it will teach you to respect
other people but first you need some idea of what life is a pre school child
does not understand this.
I have always recommended Judo or Amateur Wrestling as the
first port of call when moving into a Combat Discipline not because I dislike
other Martial Arts but purely because it is safer and don’t involve striking
and the philosophy of hurting someone. Most grappling Sports do not allow
dangerous techniques such as submission techniques for the under 14 and as such
it about trying to pin your opponent or throw them in a safe form in fact to
intentionally to try and hurt your opponent could lead to a ban. Many top
Martial Arts players and Cage Fighter started their career in grappling.
My advice to parents discourage them from behaving like
Power Rangers and when they are 5 bring to us our Club has been in
Sittingbourne since 1957 and has a proven track record