Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Martial Arts for Two year olds I do not think so

I have just had a telephone call from a mother of a 3 year old that is doing some form of Martial Art, which involves kicking and punching. She has complained that the instructor expects to much of the kids and she feels it is unsafe. She asked if her son could come to the Swale Martial Arts Club, I told her that we would not take children until they are 5 years of age and would encourage them to do Judo first.

She asked why 5 as this other clubs takes them at 2 years of age. Yet again I had to explain that children under 5 to not have the mental or emotional facilities’ to perform any Martial Art, never mind what the Instructors says. The idea that anyone should teach kids under 5 to punch and kick another human being is morally wrong and can endanger the physical and mental growth of a child.

A lot of people will say teaching child this young will instil discipline, control their aggression and can be used a self defence? Who are they defending themselves against other 2 year old and is the answer to that to teach them to kick them NO will they be able to defend against an adult NO as for discipline there are many other ways of instilling that in a child and most of that should come from the parent but if you want some form of physical activity for your child why not Street Dance, Gymnastics, Tumble tots these are far better for under 5’s then a violent Martial Art which involves Kicking and Punching either another person or equipment.

In later life Martial Arts can be of great benefit it will teach self-discipline and group discipline but first you will need to understand what discipline is, it will also be way of forging friendships and bonding with same thinking people. It will help you how to eat properly, keep your body in good condition and most importantly it will teach you to respect other people but first you need some idea of what life is a pre school child does not understand this.

I have always recommended Judo or Amateur Wrestling as the first port of call when moving into a Combat Discipline not because I dislike other Martial Arts but purely because it is safer and don’t involve striking and the philosophy of hurting someone. Most grappling Sports do not allow dangerous techniques such as submission techniques for the under 14 and as such it about trying to pin your opponent or throw them in a safe form in fact to intentionally to try and hurt your opponent could lead to a ban. Many top Martial Arts players and Cage Fighter started their career in grappling.

My advice to parents discourage them from behaving like Power Rangers and when they are 5 bring to us our Club has been in Sittingbourne since 1957 and has a proven track record

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Commonwealth Sambo

Yesterday in my position as Chairman British Sombo Federation I had a meeting with the President of the Commonwealth Sambo Association Lord Reading. The meeting was arranged to clear up any misunderstanding between the two organisations. I am glad to say the meeting was a complete success I found Lord Reading to be a very pleasant, intelligent and influential person who has the interest of Sombo at heart and I believe the BSF can help him in promote a viable Commonwealth Sambo Association

Martin Clarke
 can I remind everyone in Kent and surrounding Counties that the Closing date for the Kent Open is just a few weeks away

Also lets not forget the British Open in June

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Warriors Grappling Academy

Warriors Grappling Academy 
Sittingbourne Kent

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iTzlXoYVggs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Faversham Invitation Judo Championship

Invitation Junior Judo Championships
April 14th Abbey School Faversham
What a tremendous competition this was, the entry was about 65 youngsters with about a 100 spectators. Two mats on the go and everything finished in 3 ½ hours. Faversham J C must congratulated on an excellent organised tournament and obviously thanks to all the helpers

This competition reminded me of the hay days of Judo back in the 1970’s/80’s with lots of enthusiasm form both parents and children but with better mats and better organisation. The new venue for the Faversham Club is fantastic with many halls on site, the club have the facilities to organise a small friendly competition to a large International Tournament I have already asked if they can run IBF Open in October/November. The feature of the lovely Banners hanging from the beams also gave the event atmospheres; Club Coach Lee Reeves who has a company making banners plus T Shirts he even tells me he is moving into bespoke wallpaper supplied these. So who will be the first to have a room with Judoka wallpaper would you like me to be the model?

Well done Faversham J C especially Trevor Davies 6th Dan and George Holbrook 2nd Kyu
 And I look forward to many more tournaments.

If you enjoyed that competition why not try the Kent Open Sombo, Sombo is a Russian form of Judo and for children it is not a lot different to what they are doing now with slight difference I rules. For example you cannot lose on a hold down maximum of 4 points on a hold other points are 1pt 2pts 4pts. To win the fighter with the most points, 12 points clear margin or total victory which is throwing someone on their back but remaining in a standing position.
This is a great way to improve your Judo as you get more chances to try your techniques have a look at the advert

Monday, 8 April 2013

Judo at Faversham

Faversham Judo Club
are organising a Judo tournament for Children at their Dojo for the ridiculous fee of just £5. It has been many years since the Club has organised this type of Tournament so it is hoped they will get maximum support from everyone. Participation in Sport generally has been in massive decline and its clubs like Faversham who trying to revitalise the interest especially in Judo. If you are interested contact George Holbrook g.holbrook2007@btinternet.com or Trevor Davies tre4davies@talktalk.net

Alan Kontozi 4th Dan

SMAC are in the process of making an on line Newsletter and we have asked various instructors a brief history of their involvement with the Club. First of is Alan Kontozi 4th Dan Judo

Alan Kontozi has been with the club for over 30 years and has been one of the lynch pins every successful club needs. He achieved Black Belts in Judo, Sombo,CombatSombo, Jiu Jitsu plus a Class A Judo referee, FIAS International Sombo Referee and was an IBF Level 2 Coach and BSF Coach. He is a founder member of the British Sombo Federation, refereed at the 1985 World Games plus countless IBF Judo events home and abroad including the European and World Sombo Championships held in Herne Bay 1989 & 1992. He recently formed a Sombo support group The Sambo Union of Great Britain this is an organisation formed to add support for Sombo in GB its main purpose is to train people to become support staff for the many events organised in the UK

I first became interested when my son started doing play judo at the age of 4 with the the first woman Dan Grade in Kent Margaret Clarke I was 36,(at that time the  Sittingbourne Young  Judo Club was run by Margaret Clarke and some Olympic contender call Martin Clarke )  I  went to the big boys session as there where no other ones available what a surprise that was 12 Dan Grades umpteen high Kyu grades .I think there was about 5 minutes break falls with a Brenda Jones then a very hard lesson taken by Martin Clarke thrown in at the deep end was one way of explaining the experience and I came back for more and thoroughly enjoyed it.
My son Stephen(1st Dan Judo) and I became involved more and more with the club side I helped out a lot behind the scene doing bits and pieces around the club. In 1984 it was announced that the World Games was being held in England and Sombo Wrestling would be included  after a some members at  S.C.C. said they had some wrestling experience a meeting was held I think at Sittingbourne Sport Centre to  discuss the possibility of entering a team the BWA committee was formed I was voted to be Treasurer  of the newly formed British Sombo Feberation a post I held for some 15 years, during that time the BSF held a large Sombo competition at Herne Bay and was subsequently  recognised as the governing boby for British Sombo by the Sport Council. I achieved 1st degree black belt in Sombo and International
referee statues.
I still continued with my Judo travelling all over the country to competitions some as competitor but mostly refereeing,  A class was my final qualification I also over the years qualified as a Judo coach I was still training regularly until about 2002 when I had a 2 year break a break which I regret taking as I had lost a lot of my fitness I am still down at the club on a regular basis to keep in touch with the older members and also the younger ones ,I also do a little bit of training but not  lot I would also stand in for any of the junior coaches if they could not make it .

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Hutch MMA

Michael Hutchinson is doing a great job promoting the MMA in Sittingbourne he has a web site plus twitter account and now a Facebook account www.facebook.com/sittingbournemma  why not give him a visit.

 Sittingbourne News has blacklisted me and anyone connected with me because I put a blog criticising their advertising policy ( so much for press freedom), as I have said before the local newspaper is the thing of the past, the net, various social networking sites, blogs, local radio and soon local TV are the way to communicate, newspapers will fold which will be good for the environment. Listen to SFM Radio in a weeks time and you will hear our latest ad.

Russell Dodds is running the British Open Sombo in Bedford in June and already he has a team from Cameroon and the USA attending, I hope all you Sombo Players in GB will