Friday, 31 January 2014

WGA/YJC Newsletter

January 2014

Welcome everyone to 2014, I hope this newsletter finds everyone well, and let’s hope it is going to be as good as or even better than 2013. The newsletter will be emailed to you every month and will consist of all the news and results from the previous month.
Last year combining all lessons we had 2.400 people through the door participating in Judo, Sombo and MMA, which is amazing but this year we are going to beat that, so tell all you friends and family about our great club.

Attendance for the month: 310 over all lesson.

Junior Judo.
Weekly trophy winners were:
Davina Higgins, Daniel Groves, Olivia Crosswell, Erin Duggan, Sam, Mathew Popov, Liam Kemp, Daniel Groves, Marrissa Law, Mitchel Crosswell, Lara Green.
The trophies are handed out each week to a student who has either worked really hard or done a technique really well or has impressed the instructor with their attitude towards others and the class. Well done you and your parents should be very proud!

Competition results: No competitions in January.
Grading results: No grading in January.

Senior Judo.
This year the IBF held a big Awards night, which was accommodated at the Coniston Hotel Sittingbourne. This included a three course dinner and dance and of course lots of drink! Many awards included, Life time award for 20, 25 and over 30 years’ service to the IBF.
Award winners:
John Clarke, Ashley Costa, Keith Costa, Collin Carrott, Daniel Carrott, Debbie Jackson, Ken Cassell, Daniel Diamond and Dave Diamond.

Young Judo Club and Warriors Honour Board Awards:

OMA (Margret Clarke Memorial)
Awarded too: George Loscombe

Awarded too: Keith Brown

Warriors Players player
Awarded too: Keith Brown

Warriors Coaches Player
Awarded too: Ashley Costa

Club Person of the year
Awarded too: Blake Southfield
Competition results: None in January 

Grading results
Blue Belt:
Bradley Costa

Green Belt:
Spencer Brown

Orange Belt:
Chris Lilley
Phoebe Matten
Joe Matten
Darren Croucher

This year George Loscombe started up a Sombo/Combat sombo class for kids, this is the first time anyone has tried this but going by the numbers attending his class it seems to be very successful. Sombo is a completely different sport from Judo with less restrictions and uncomplicated rules, it is much easier sport to follow, however it is not for the fainthearted. George also does a weekly Trophy winner and these winners are:
Nicole Smgelskia, William, Olivia Crosswell, Erin Duggan.

This year is a big year for the adults as the world championships are being held in Japan in November and the British trials are being held in Bedford in April. Out of the 8 weight categories for men 5 from the Warriors club won the British trials and were selected for the world championships in Russia last year. Although we were unsuccessful in receiving a medal they put up a good fight and did not let their country down.

Head Coach John Clarke of the Warriors Grappling Academy was voted in at the British Sombo AGM as the new United Kingdom Sombo development coach, this role means that John and his committee is in charge of selecting the British team and running courses to promote more Sombo instructors throughout the UK. This is a great honour for not only John but also the club, well done.

Warriors grappling academy MMA is a mixture of Judo, Sombo, Combat Sombo, Kick Boxing and boxing all rolled into one. This is also a sport not for the fainthearted. The class consists of throwing with no jacket submissions, punching and kicking as well as hard core fitness. The club is going from strength to strength. This is an adult class only (14 and over).
I need to mention Blake Southfield a young lad who started doing MMA with us about 8 month ago and is now doing Judo and Sombo on a Tuesday, not many young lads now days like doing anything that means hard work or does not involve a XBOX but Blake is the exception to the rule. Well done Blake you’re a credit to the club.

Up Coming Competition and Courses.
16th Feb Judo competition in Bedford
23rd March Judo competition at the Swallows Sittingbourne.
5th April British Sombo Open competition in Bedford.
27th April Judo,Sombo and MMA competition in Sittingbourne at East Street.
8th June Judo competition in Faversham.
22nd June Kata course Faversham.


Junior Judo 6pm - 7pm and 7pm – 8pm
Senior grappling 8.15pm – 10pm

Junior Sombo 6pm – 7pm
MMA 7pm – 9pm

Junior Judo 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Senior Judo 8pm – 9.30pm

Family Judo 7.30pm – 9pm

Club Prices
Adult £30 a month (SO only) cash £35 or £8.50 a lesson
Junior £20 a month (SO only) cash £25 or £6.00 a lesson
Membership £30 a year running from the 31st March every year

Club Coaches
Head Coaches: John Clarke 5th dan & Keith Costa 4th dan.
Club Coaches and Instructors: Ashley Costa 4th dan, Collin Carrott 4th dan, George Loscombe 1st dan, Keith Brown 1st kyu, Hayley Costa 3rd kyu and Casey Belsey 1st dan.
All coaches and instructors are fully insured with first aid certificates and CRB checked.

Hope you all have a great month and look forward to keeping you regularly updated every month with our club newsletter!

John Clarke.
Head Coach
Master of Sombo
5th Dan Judo 

Young Judo Club lessons for just £1.25p

Founded 1957

The Young Judo Club /SMAC offer Sambo, Judo, Kurash MMA, Combat Sambo all within one membership. Our £30 Annual Joining fee includes membership to Swale Martial Arts Club, Young Judo Club, International Budo Federation, British CombatSombo Association. Our clubs are affiliated to British Judo Association, British Sombo Federation, British Wrestling Association All Governing Bodies plus British CombatSombo Association, International Budo Federation and British Grappling Association.
All our members have personal Accident Insurance 
Junior Judo Players can train Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for just £20 per month for 11 months of the year we close August that is just £5 per week or £1.25p per lesson if attending a club where they charge £2.50p per lesson for  the equivalent lessons would cost £10 per week or £43.63p pcm
Our Adult Players it is £30 pcm for the same amount of training
Keith Costa is also starting a training session on a Saturday for children all in the monthly fee

Adhoc Junior Judo Players are not encouraged in the Club for Coaching reasons but mainly for Health and Safety precautions

The Club has a permanent Dojo with GMats, Showers and Sauna

The Club is most probably the oldest or one of the Oldest in the SouthEast formed in 1957 by Margret and Nobby Clarke
In those years it has trained many thousands of people plus produced many hundreds of Black Belts. The Clarke family has now its 4th generation of Judoka, the Costa Family its 3rd generation of Judoka many of our Black belts also have grown up children who are Black Belts. Many Judo Clubs in the County can boast there founders were trained by the Young Judo Club

Our members Junior and Senior have travelled the World competing and attending courses many other Judo Club instructors were originally taught by the YJC

The Club has produced World medallists in Judo, Kurash and Sambo

Many of the Clubs at SMAC organise fund raising events to help with players travelling expenses plus we organic many social events for the whole family.

In a time when doing Sport fees are becoming out of the reach of local people the YJC offers an affordable quality activity all in a Community Amatuer Sports Club

"Quality before Quantity' is our motto