My grandson George is 4 years old
and he is always getting into fights at playschool and I do not mean pushing
and shoving real fistfights. It seems that he sticks up for his weaker mates
who are bullied which is good in itself but there must other ways then
fighting. Interestingly enough when he fights he goes into a boxing stance as
does the other boys. Where do they get this from certainly not from us all I
can think of its TV? He is stopped and told to shake hands and not to do it
again. The other day he was involved in a ruckus obviously they were stopped
and without being told they both shook hands. What concerns me is that they no
longer see this as fighting, just a sport.
Most of you know my feeling about
teaching young children striking arts and here is proof that just watching
Striking forms of Martial Arts makes them settle differences by fighting can
you imagine if you taught them to do it. Some say it teaches them discipline
that may or may not be true but was it does teach is that Kicking and punching
someone hurts them. That is why I encourage children under 5 to do Gymnastics
this teaches discipline and body awareness without any form of violence, then
advise them to move on to Grappling Arts which involves no punching or kicking.
I obviously prefer Judo and Sombo as that is my field of expertise but there
are many other grappling styles. Grappling is more natural to youngsters not
only humans but in the animal kingdom as well as the process involved is about
subduing your opponent with out injury a process of play.
I am not against Striking Arts just
believe that should be taught at a later stage in a child’s development
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